Letter on pain

I have to say that resigning from my job was way more easier than coping with the challenges I am currently facing.

I did not realize how deep the impact would be.

Which means with taking a break I could discover that I am really low in energy and that I was giving from my reserves for a very long time. I am more than open to receiving and at the same time could find out how difficult it is for me to ask for help or for assistance.

Whenever I am facing stormy times my digestion is the first to be overwhelmed and which brings my already very sensitive nerves even more under stress.

The more I have time to recover the more I could find out that I do not want to go back to this any more.

This is the most challenging part at the moment. I am full of ideas and images how my business could look like and at the same time I am facing reality of there should be a way of abundance coming to me to practically pay the bills.

I have got the feeling this is like walking on eggshells and being at the edge all the time.

My inner feminine is asking me to slow down and connect with nature, whereas my outer masculine which is in my mind and also in reality, my husband, is asking me to look for a job again and pressure is getting more and more.

I have titled the post with pain because for me this is more about taking care of myself, although it seems to be unbearably stormy at the moment. It is about finding my footsteps and walking my path. I know that this is really something I have been carrying with me for a very long time.

I have never thought that walking my path could be so painful. For me it is because I always wanted to be liked and I can sense it with every part of myself when I am doing something another person does not agree with.

I am pretty sure that this voyage will be deeply changing and important for me.

The wonderful thing with challenging times is that they are not lasting for EVER!

Much love out of pain,


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About shamanicspiderwoman

I am a courageous woman who left everything behind to move from Austria to Australia together with her family. I have started a training as shamanic midwife last year and enjoy this healing process and the connection with my tribe. I love to connect with the peace and silence of nature. I love the abundance I have got with my family. I am a writer on my path to publish my first short fiction book "Kassandra" in German. I am very passionate about connecting with other women on passion, sexuality and as shamanicspiderwoman I love to weave my web of creativity with love and humility.
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2 Responses to Letter on pain

  1. Archon's Den says:

    There are jobs (as opposed to careers) which produce income to reduce financial stress, but, which themselves create little or no stress – unless just working creates your stress – in which case, you’re on your own. Best of luck! šŸ™‚

  2. Andrea says:

    I feel where you are coming from, as I have been there but I have come out the other side and believe me, it feels AMAZING!!! Just believe in yourself, kiddo!!!

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